Known in Greek as ‘philoptochos’ (meaning friends of the poor), this group of dedicated ladies behind our Parish philanthropy and hospitality. They are resposible for Hospital and Nursing Home visits, visits to the homes of the sick, elderly and disadvantaged, Parish fundraising, convening of Parish functions, catering for wakes and memorial services, providing Artos & Prosphoro, and the publication of the Parish Cookbook (famous Australia wide). The ladies are always looking for assistance, volunteers and other dedicated women to join their group. For more information contact our Ladies Vice President Maria Birbilis on 0417 709 597. To purchase copies of our cookbook, contact the Parish Office.


Our Circle of Senior Citizens & Friends offers the senior members of our community the opportunity to come together for social events with friends of like-minded people. Our Seniors group operates each Thursday morning from 9:30am in the Hall with morning tea and games as well as social outings throughout the year. A bus service is available in certain areas (by appointment) to assist those who have difficulty with transport (numbers are limited). The Seniors are headed by a dedicated group of volunteers who are now celebrating their 16th year of operation. For further information please call Irene Cayas on 0407 145 000.


Our afternoon Greek Language School operates each Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons during the School Year in the building adjacent to the Church. Students from Prep to Year 12 enrich their knowledge and identity through study of the Greek language, history, culture, and Orthodox faith. Our School is pleased to offer Senior Modern Greek studies to students in Years 11 & 12 which is accredited toward their Senior Certificate and O.P Score. Our teachers are experienced and use an accredited curriculum according to the requirements of LOTE. Students also enrich their learning through the use of computers kindly donated to the school. For more information please contact the Parish Office or our School Coordinator Hara Gavrielatou on 0468 940 133.


Our Parish operates a Greek Dance School each Friday evening during the School Year in the Hall from 6:30pm where students in both Primary School and High School learn traditional Greek dances. The Dance Group is dedicated to promoting, encouraging and perpetuating the Greek heritage and culture among youth through expression in traditional dance. The program is one of many outreach activities for the youth of our Parish, serving to create greater communication and stronger ties through interaction. Our dance group participates in many performances throughout the year i.e. Greek Festivals (the ‘Paniyiri’), national celebrations, and community functions. For more information regarding the Dancing School contact our Coordinator Despina on 0412 011 530.


G.O. Kids is a social group aimed at all children from Prep to Year 10 and meets monthly during the school year. The children enjoy social activities like Trivia and Movie nights; Dances & River Cruises. This Group is coordinated by volunteer parents of our Church and Parish community. All children are invited to attend any of the monthly get-togethers. For more information contact Angela Samios on 0400 949 980.


Our Sunday School operates on all Sundays throughout the year (except between Christmas and the beginning of the new School year). Children attend Sunday School in the Greek School building adjacent to the Church after they have received Holy Communion. Our children have the opportunity here to learn about God and His Church by teachers who make learning fun. Games, prizes, and storytelling make up a large part of the lessons. For more information contact Fr Nicholas on 0403 658 420.

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